Ben and I flew out to Kansas City for a couple of days to visit his family for the holiday. I didn't actually take my camera out for the Thanksgiving dinner portion of our trip... but here are a couple of my favorites from the rest of our vacation.
Our trip got off to an exciting start (again) as our original flight was canceled. The good news was we had advance notice the night before we were supposed to leave of the flight cancellation. the bad news was that the only flight we could get on that would get us in by Thanksgiving left in about 4 hours from the time we go the phone call, and we were not AT ALL ready to go! It was the most hurried packing and airport experience I've had in a long time... thank goodness we made it!

On Friday night we had "wiiza" night (wii + pizza = wiiza) which was a lot of fun. We got a chance to see a bunch of friends that we don't see all that often, and of course look completely ridiculous while playing wii. Lucky for me since I was the one holding the camera there are no incriminating photos of me :)

The other great thing about our wiiza night was that we got to hang out with Charlie, who is pretty much the cutest puppy ever

And of course Houdini as well, who as it turns out, loves any box, even if she's too big to fit in it

On Saturday we went on our little tourist outing of Kansas City, stopping by the plaza to see their annual holiday display. I LOVE Christmas lights!!

And since we were right next door we decided to check out the Nelson-Atkins museum's Bloch addition at night. This museum is definitely an amazing piece of architecture and if you're in the area you should go check it out! It lights up at night and when we visited there were tons of people checking out the sculpture garden at night and kids playing on the hill. Very cool.

Overall it was such a fun and fabulous trip, and it's always great to spend time with family! Yay for the holidays!!