I've been itching for a new look for a while now and the new blog is sporting some fancy features I've wanted for a while... comments displayed right in the page, an info and contact form right in the blog, plus dropdown categories for easy navigation... and just general fanciness all around :) I've also grown up a bit and dropped the .blogspot address in favor of the classy self-hosted address katyregnier.com/news so please update your bookmarks!
I'd like to give an extra special thanks to Jared at netrivet.com for designing the amazing wordpress theme I'm using, as well as all of his helpful step by step instructions that made the switch over so easy!
For all of you reading this through an rss reader, never fear! Your subscription will be re-routed and you don't even have to do anything! Posts from the new blog should be arriving in your reader just as they always have.
Plus (as if that wasn't enough) I imported all of my old blogger posts into my new blog (comments and all) so everything you see here is over there and more! So what are you waiting for?? Scoot on over to the NEW BLOG and say howdy! I'll be waiting!