Friday, August 24, 2007

new look, new website, oh my!

Hey there blog readers...

you may have noticed a little bit of a change in the way the blog is looking and acting these days (or maybe you read this through something like google reader and haven't noticed a thing).

In any case I've been hard at work trying to give a little more attention to the blog and website to make them just that much more fabulous. On the blog you'll find a new sparkly navigation bar up top with shortcuts to labeled posts, plus a search function and a link to my illustration website and the photography homepage. Pretty spiffy huh?

The website is totally new and still somewhat under construction, but I love it so I couldn't help spilling the beans about it a little bit early :) Check it out here:

One of the tricky things about DIY web design is getting it finished before you go crazy from too many hours in front of your computer screen. I'm taking a little break for my sanity but when I come back I'll be adding even more photos to the galleries and a couple more cool links as well. In the meantime let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoy!


prudence brady said...

congratulations!!! it looks awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm loving the changes. looks great!


looks killer katy!

Nat said...

Looks great!!! I'm on my way to check out your website. I'm sure it looks awesome!

katy said...

Thanks guys :)

I was hoping my hard work would pay off... the most exciting part is that my new template will fit even BIGGER photos! I can't wait to put up images from my next wedding!

Melissa Koehler said...

I LOVE it! very cool!